Halloween Mega Base


The Halloween Mega Base is a limited reskin of the Mega Base that has appeared during the past four Halloween Events.

Description - 2020

Description - 2019

The Halloween Mega Base was brought back yet again in the Halloween Event 2019, featuring many of the changes and decorations seen last year, as well as a great deal more detail than before. Thunderstorm noises play and rain falls from the ceiling. Tan-gray fog billows along the floor of the main room. The terminals feature various Alien (presumably Kneall) mechs and U.N.E. soldiers in combat or other situations.

Description - 2018

The Halloween Mega Base was brought back in the Halloween Event 2018, featuring many of the changes and decorations seen last year, including the Pumpkin Patch where the Alien Embassy used to stand. This model also included decorations inside the top observation post and inside all five terminals. It also added multiple NPCs with non-quest dialogue.

Description - 2017

Halloween mega base gif.gif

The Halloween Mega Base was first added in the Halloween Event 2017. The Halloween Mega Base played spooky music instead of the normal Mega Base sounds. It started September 30th and it was removed on midnight, November 5th as stated by Rcouret. The music played at the Halloween Mega Base was called Dark Cemetery.