Dreadnought Weekly Dealer

From Galaxypedia

The Dreadnought Weekly Dealer (Shadiris) is ship dealer added on June 7 2022


Dreadnaught Weekly Dealer (Shadiris) sells players 1 random Dreadnaught every week at a discounted price.

Not to be confused with the Battleship Weekly Dealer or Carrier Weekly Dealer, who don't sell Dreadnoughts for discounted prices.


Dreadnaught Weekly Dealer (Shadiris) is located in the Megabase near the statue of a cog

Quest Dialogue

Shadiris: I can get you ships at a discount through my secret method

Player: What kind of ship?

Shadiris: This week, I have (Shipname) available

Player: How much do they cost?

Shadiris: It will cost you (Discounted price) Credits

Player: Anything else I need to know?

Shadiris: Make sure you don't have a (Shipname) already, or I will take your credits without compensation

Ending Dialouge

Shadiris: Ready to receive your (Shipname)?

Player: Yes.


  • If you purchase the discounted ship while having the ship, the credits will still be deducted and you will get nothing.
  • The ship inventory of Weekly Dealer was changed 4 times in 30 minutes on 12 June 2022, from Catalyst to Leviathan then back to Ridgebreaker, and finally Catalyst again. This also caused the editor to suffer as she had to edit this page over and over due to the rapid changes.
  • Once was designated to sell both Carriers and Dreadnaughts before the Carrier Weekly Dealer was introduced