Your Mother

From Galaxypedia

Admin-Only Ship

This ship is classified as an Admin Ship and can only be used by Galaxy Staff.
This ship class is unobtainable and can only be given via the :addship command.

The Your Mother is an Admin ship and is larger than nearly every ship.


The Your Mother is a huge Admin class ship available to only Admins in Galaxy.


The outside of Your Mother has a texture of a blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus). From brief glimpses, the ship has no interior, the player sits on a standard yellow seat at the front of Your Mother


  • Extremely high hull and shield on top of the high damage resistance.


  • Has no form of damage output.
  • People are more likely to go after this ship because it is unobtainable.


  • Tank with this ship, go in first into sieges.
  • Scare enemies by the sheer size of Your Mother.

Version History


