Retro Vanguard

From Galaxypedia

Limited Ship

This ship is a limited ship, and could only be acquired for a limited time or it has since become limited.
You lose it forever once it is destroyed, or otherwise has limited availability on the Limited Build Menu.


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The Retro Vanguard is an Event Carrier for the Retro Ship Event 2024.


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  • Incredibly small, meaning most ships will not be able to hit this.
  • Around 400 turret dps, allowing it to defend itself well even without the use of fighters.
  • Small icon on the minimap, meaning most ships wont see you.
  • Only 2 fighters, making it viable if you don't have many ai fighter slots.


  • Rather expensive, costing around 2.5 million credits.
  • Low health for a carrier, however that is expected for a ship its size.
  • Is unalbe to tank like most carriers.
  • May be asked to despawn as this carrier underperforms in dps against most carriers, like the Annihilator.


  • Use this ship to attack lone miners, annoy big ships or dive something that is low, as its small size will keep you relatively safe.
  • Try To avoid AA ships such as Ampharos, Tempest, Aedes and Oblivion as much as possible, as their AA can deal a lot of damage to you.
  • Use its small size on the minimap to your advantage by surprise attacking players.

Version History

  • Added to the game in .77d29.