
Revision as of 15:13, 5 October 2023 by Smallketchup82 (talk | contribs)

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/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. */

//Note that while loading content, appending "/wiki" or "/w" before the "/index..." statement may cause 404 errors or mime type mismatch errors (403)

//Import the Navbox.js scripts for the navbox price/name sorting functionality
// mw.loader.load( '/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Navbox.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript' );

// Sitenotice
var sitenotice = document.querySelector('#siteNotice .mw-dismissable-notice');
if (!sitenotice) sitenotice = document.querySelector('#siteNotice');
if (sitenotice) {

// Add extra info to infobox's cost header to notify users to take it with a grain of salt
var headers = document.querySelectorAll('.pi-header');

if (headers) {
    headers.forEach(function(header) {
        var paragraph = header.querySelector('p');

        if (paragraph.textContent.includes('Cost')) {
   = 'underline dashed';
   = "help";
            header.title = "The Cost section is meant to be taken with a grain of salt. Price fluctuates based on the economy, and the stats listed are meant to serve as a rough estimate.\nNote: KetchupBot does not automatically update this section.";
        	console.log("Added styling to Cost header on infobox");

// Experimental donator user group checker
    mw.loader.using('mediawiki.api', function() {
        var api = new mw.Api();
        console.log("Searching for donators")

        api.get( {
            action: "query",
            list: "allusers",
            augroup: "donator",
            aulimit: "max",
            format: "json"
        } ).done( function ( data ) {
            var users = data.query.allusers;

            users = {

            var xpath = {
                return "contains(text(), '" + user + "')"

            xpath = '//*[' + xpath.join(' or ') + ']';

            var nodes = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);

            // Add a style for donors
            for (var i = 0; i < nodes.snapshotLength; i++) {
                var node = nodes.snapshotItem(i);

                // find the person's name in the node, and surround it with a span with a color
                var innerHTML = node.innerHTML;
                innerHTML = innerHTML.replace(/(.*)(\s)(.*)/, "$1<span class='donator' style='color: purple;'>$2$3</span>");
                node.innerHTML = innerHTML;

        } );
} );