Topic on User talk:Mistical77

While we welcome you to edit and add onto information on pages, we strictly forbid taking in first person and adding personal opinions/discussions onto pages. We have discussion sections for this very purpose (you can find it in the discussion tab) where you can leave your thoughts on the topic!

To be more specific, this edit where you add comments onto the page (i.e. "i can think of one and its base defense" and "tp is a joke clan made by Mistical77 LOOL") inserts your opinion (Use of I statements) and also adds unnecessary comments which do not add any value to the page's information. Your proceeding edits do the same thing hence why they were all undone.

In the future please make sure your edits speak in 3rd person, are unopinionated, do not insert unnecessary information/spam, and are factual (either widely agreed upon by the community, common sense, or cited with proof).

I recommend you read up on the Community Guidelines and Formatting Policy to see what is acceptable when it comes to edits.

Because this is a first offence you will not be given any editing restrictions, however if this happens again we will have to restrict your edit capabilities. We hope you understand, have a great rest of your day!