
From Galaxypedia
Revision as of 02:27, 26 May 2023 by CornHusker (talk | contribs) (properly filled out my user page)

(CornHusker#1735 if you need me)

In the Beginning

I've had multiple accounts that have all played galaxy, and I think the earliest time that I played galaxy on was somewhere in 2018. Around 2019, I started playing the game for real. I worked my way up to a rorqual, and with hours of grinding, got a Hawklight, and later a Hasatan (this was back when ships weren't cheap as hell). I made friend (forgot the name sadly), and we both ran around in our crappy Battlships like the alphas we clearly were. I then lost my Hawk to a punisher, and my Hasa to an Atlas. I was pretty sad, and left galaxy.

My Real Account

After losing that account to my terrible password management, I then started playing galaxy again on my current account in April of 2020 (then lost my first hornet to ANOTHER Atlas). Not a lot happened, and I played galaxy once every month or two. Repeat this for a while, and I eventually start playing galaxy consistently around the end of 2021, right around when stealth ships came out. I was real proud of my stealth recon. In early 2022, I was playing galaxy for hours each day. Built some dreads, lost some dreads, did normal galaxy things. I was pretty up-to-date on the discord, tracking updates, talking, etc. I saw Sugon leave his developer position, I'll never forget that. Around this time I saw a post on the discord asking for new helpers on the server, but with a requirement for questions answered on the discord. Needless to say, I did not hit the requirement of 50 questions. But I starting being active on the game-questions channel on discord. I kept playing the game, building myself up, getting more powerful dreadnoughts and carriers. In late May of 2022, I saw this player named coolsunnypants was on a locked team with an admin. Minutes later, coolsunnypants lost their Obliterator. Just a few days earlier, I was able to save my Obliterator at less than 5% health. I decided to help coolsunnypants get their Oblit back, and we became friends. Months later, I eventually I got bored and left the game again in August of 2022. In my infinite wisdom I decided to leave the discord server during this time.

Somehow I was never playing galaxy when any big incidents happened like the pay-to-win incident or during the Enigma Cache shenanigans, so that's something.

Coming Back for Round 3

In March of 2023, I came back to galaxy again. After 5 months, the meta had completely changed and the game itself also changed quite a bit. I was very active, once again playing for multiple hours each day. I started up again on the discord, built myself up even further than I was. Continue this for a month, then I saw the opening for Dev Advisor. I applied, but didn't make it (props to the 2 who did though). I kept playing, kept answering questions on the discord. In early May of 2023, Sean_MorabitoYT sent out an announcement asking for Galaxypedia staff. At the time I knew little about Galaxypedia, but wanted to find some sort of role in the community. I started building up my edit count, and here we are today.