Galaxypedia:Formatting Policy

Revision as of 03:12, 26 May 2022 by Shooter7620 (talk | contribs) (Updated the page with the very first section of formatting a ship page, only 12 more to go...)


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General Formatting Policy/Editing Guidelines

This page is about the format that should be followed when creating or editing pages on any ship in Galaxy.

Top of the page/Notices and Information

When creating/editing a ship page, consider the following:

  1. Do you (or the page) have full, complete information (including images) on the ship you are creating a page on?
  2. Does the page have outdated or inaccurate information?
  3. Is the ship the page is related to in a special category of ships (e.g. Super Capitals, Prototypes, Advanced ships, etc)?
  4. Does the page otherwise have any information that would warrant a disclaimer of some type at the top of the page (missing/low quality images, subjective information, easily confused name[s], etc)?

If yes to #1 and no to #2, #3, and #4; then you should not need any notice at the top of the page and can skip this part. Otherwise, use a template at the top of the page for the respective information available on the page (ex.: If images are missing, add an Outdated (image) template to the top of the page). An example of templates used for a ship page about a ship that is an advanced, but also lacks up-to-date information and images is shown below: Example of templates at the top of a ship page.