Dreadnought Weekly Dealer

The Weekly Dealer (Shadiris) is ship dealer added on June 7 2022


Weekly Dealer (Shadiris) sells players 1 random (Dreads or Carriers) every week at a discounted price.


Weekly Dealer (Shadiris) is located in the Megabase near the statue of a cog

Quest Dialouge

Weekly Dealer (Shadiris): I can get you ships at a discount through my secret method

Player: What kind of ship?

Weekly Dealer (Shadiris): I have (Shipname) available

Player: How much do they cost?

Weekly Dealer (Shadiris): (Discounted price) Credits

Player: Anything else I need to know?

Weekly Dealer (Shadiris): Make sure you don't have a (Shipname) already, or I will take your credits without compensation

Ending Dialouge

Weekly Dealer (Shadiris): Ready to receive your (Shipname)?

Player: Yes.

Sale History

7 June - X June: Ridgebreaker for 100,000 credits.


  • If you purchase the discounted ship while having the ship, the credits will still be deducted and you will get nothing.