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Limited Ship

This ship is a limited ship, and could only be acquired for a limited time or it has since become limited.
You lose it forever once it is destroyed, or otherwise has limited availability on the Limited Build Menu.

The Theseus-E is a U.N.E Quest Dreadnought released during the 2023 Halloween Event.


The Theseus-E is a ship capable of entering the Rift, purpose built to be upgradable and made to withstand significant punishment from enemy ships within the Rift. It comes with a unique module that heals its hull HP rapidly over a short period of time if the shields are down, or heals shields if the hull is full. The Theseus also comes with a good variety of weaponry for destroying medium to large ships. It is part of a ship line, which is as follows: Theseus, Theseus-U, Theseus-E, Theseus-K, and finally Theseus-X. The Theseus-E has higher acceleration and max speed compared to it's previous variant, the Theseus-U.


The ship's profile is well defined, aside from it being clad in turrets. Its engines protrude from the back of the hull and form a flat segment protected by hull shielding around the top and bottom to both the left and right side. The plating is a dark grey or lighter black color, which covers the majority of the hull; and is not affected by team colors. It has a spinal mount at the front between two prongs, which is where its spinals are located (more to be added, WIP).


  • Can be upgraded through a series of quests after being obtained, starting with the armor upgrade that increases the ship's health (Theseus-U) all the way to a substantial upgrade to the ship's module (Theseus-X).
  • Can resist to an extent, damage when its module is active with the healing that provides.
  • High damage output on its weapons makes dealing with enemy capital ships within the Rift easier.
  • High HP allows you to tank for your squadron while doing excursions within the Rift.


  • Somewhat expensive to obtain for the first time.
  • Not very flexible line of sight on the turrets, preferring that you face your targets if you wish to have full line of sight.
  • Ship module only heals hull HP while your shields are down, and does not heal shield HP.
  • Most of the turrets struggle to hit small or nimble targets, leaving this ship vulnerable to smaller, more maneuverable ships meant to take out capital ships.


  • While doing excursions within the Rift, help out your other squadron members if they have weaker ships by tanking some damage for them.
  • If using the ship outside of the Rift, be mindful that others may target it as it is very valuable.

Version History

  • Released in unknown version.


  • This ship line is similar to the Preos (i.e. Preos Adult, Preos Juvenile) series of ships, but different in that upgrades through the quests consume the previous ship.
  • This ship has weaponry that is unusually high-end for a ship of its type and cost.