
From Galaxypedia

Galaxypedia user hailing from a distant star, does, in fact, own an Antares.


  • Edits Galaxypedia to bring justice to the grammatical atrocities committed here, and maybe occasionally update information.
  • Seems to have developed Stockholm syndrome for the Update Log page, continuing to spend hours adding thousands of links no one needed or asked for.


  • Started playing Galaxy in 2018, achieving Beta player status, then promptly dropped the game until Gamma update. This is what's called a "pro-gamer move".
  • Began contributing to Galaxypedia in March 2022.


  • Exists also as AntaresVII on the Galaxypedia and Galaxy Discords.
  • Has lost at least six Leviathans.
  • Has unusual and probably unhealthy love for the Osprey.
  • Enjoys vertical ship designs and fancy interiors.
  • For some reason insists upon flying Slipstream sideways.