
From Galaxypedia

The L科科約科科約希吉科約希吉約希希吉科約希吉約希吉, otherwise known as the Abomination is a Titan class ship.


Little is known about this ship. 0ctav1on and xXjunhanXx is the only confirmed owner of this ship.


Like its nickname suggests, it is an abomination of a ship. It is made up of random parts from a lot of ships including Astraeus and M Class. The teleporters and interiors of the ships that make up of the Abomination are removed. 2 fighters can be seen at the top. It is unknown of they're able to be flown in extension of the Bubble Shields. It is unknown where the pilot seat is located.


  • Armed with Bubble Shield fighters, which are very large and tanky.
  • The Abomination's and its fighters' large size are useful for completely protecting a base from fighters and sieges alike.
  • Incredibly fast and agile.
  • Basically impossible to die with it, even when dived by multiple Prototypes. With its 75% damage resistance, BubbleShield fighters and 70k total health, it would take an entire clan worth of Prototypes to even stand a chance at killing it.


  • This is a very rare ship and is likely to be hunted.
  • Extremely large, larger than most Super Capitals. It is very hard to miss this ship with turrets and spinals.
  • Once you lose it, you can never get it back.
  • No method of damaging others.


  • Use your Bubble Shield fighters to completely surround and protect a base from siege. They are large and numerous enough to completely protect Frion.


  • The only confirmed owner of this ship is 0ctav1on (formerly known as teen, one of the developer team members)
  • Attempting to use :info command on this ship will result in scrambled data.
  • Although a total of 15 turrets can be seen on the ship, none of them can be fired.
  • This ship has the same ambience as Prototype X-2 and Abaddon. Both of them play at random intervals.
  • Even though this ship is a Titan, it is almost nothing more than a harmless ship.